
When you decide you are ready to take the first steps of your pregnancy journey, these are some things you need to know.

Commence antenatal multivitamin or folate (5mg if high risk group) and iron supplementation.

Folate is important for the prevention of neural tube defects and starting this preconception allows for folate levels to be high at the start of pregnancy when it’s most important.

Dental hygiene

Caring for teeth during pregnancy is important for the mother and baby’s health. Find out more.

Diet and weight management

Dietary guidelines to support you during your pregnancy journey. Find out more.

Healthy exercise routine

A regular exercise routine provides many benefits, both physical and emotional. Find out more.

Is you Cervical Screening Test is up to date

Not sure? Don’t worry, I am able to check this for you.

Smoking and alcohol cessation

Even small amounts of alcohol can harm an unborn baby’s development. Find out more.

For information about the effects of smoking during pregnancy, click here.