
About Dr Prue Standen

Dr Prue Standen is a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist caring for women in Western Melbourne.

Dr Standen graduated medical school from Flinders University in 2010, completing her internship at Fremantle Hospital then moving to King Edward Memorial Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital for Specialist Registrar rotations in obstetrics & gynaecology, general surgery, vascular surgery and trauma. However, it was her time spent at King Edwards working in high-risk obstetric care which piqued her interest and a passion for women’s health was born!

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She enjoys the continuity that comes with providing care to women for preconception and antenatal and postnatal care and believes that it is a privilege to be a part of this exciting time in people’s lives.

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Prue undertook specialist training at King Edward Memorial Hospital before moving to Melbourne to complete advanced training in obstetric care, pelvic floor disorders and minimally invasive surgery.  She has completed postgraduate studies in placental development and is currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.