Precautions in your Pregnancy

Some important things to be aware of
for the duration of your pregnancy.


There is no known safe amount of alcohol in pregnancy. Therefore current recommendations are for no alcohol in pregnancy. Excessive alcohol intake is associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).


Smoking is associated with fetal growth restriction, most likely due to causing disordered placentation.  It is also associated with increased rates of postpartum haemorrhage and SIDS. There are many options for nicotine replacement which I am able to discuss with you to help you start to cut down or quit smoking. It is a good idea to ask people not to smoke in your home and also to encourage your partner to quit smoking.

Whooping cough

Bordetalla pertussis, the bacteria which causes whooping cough, is highly contagious and infection can have severe effects on neonates and infants. Immunisation is the best defence against whooping cough. We will offer immunisation from 20 weeks.


Toxoplasmosis is an uncommon bacterial infection transmitted by eating undercooked meat and it is also carried by cats. Cook meat well, wash fruits and vegetables before eating, ask someone else to clean the litter tray and practice good hand hygiene. Important information can be found here.


Listeria is a bacterial infection transmitted by eating poorly washed salads, foods not kept a low temperatures (deli meats and salad bars), inadequately reheated foods, soft cheeses, soft serve ice cream, shell fish (oysters/mussels). Reheating food thoroughly and being selective with food choices is important. Please see more information here.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Find out more.

Parvovirus (Slap cheek)

Find out more.

Common misconceptions in pregnancy

Find out more.

Bladder and Bowel changes in pregnancy

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Travelling during pregnancy

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