First Trimester

Some important things to know about
the first three months of your pregnancy.

Confirm due date with an ultrasound in the rooms

Blood tests

You will need to undergo some blood tests during this time. Find out more.


Folate is recommended for all women prior to and in early pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Most women will only need 500micrograms per day however if you have diabetes, epilepsy, a family or past history of spina bifida then 5mg of folate daily is recommended.

Morning sickness

The effects of morning sickness may be alleviated through the following measures:

  • Diet: avoid spicy foods, eat small meals often, try plain foods and icy cold water

  • Vitamin B6 and ginger have been shown to be beneficial and are readily available over the counter

  • Restavit

  • Metoclopramide

  • Ondansetron

First trimester early anatomy review

Ultrasounds will be requested again at 13 weeks for the first trimester early anatomy review. Some women choose to undertake genetic screening and a risk assessment for pre-eclampsia at this time as well. Pre-eclampsia is a condition of high blood pressure which can result in fetal growth restriction and require early delivery.

NIPT vs First Trimester/Second trimester Screen

Find out more.

Coping with unexpected news at your ultrasound

Find out more.

Common misconceptions in pregnancy

Find out more.

Bladder and Bowel changes in pregnancy

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Travelling during pregnancy

Find out more.